Onderzoekschool Oncologie Amsterdam
Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam


On this page you will find the most frequently asked questions regarding the training plan, portfolio, courses and other PhD related matters. 

OOA Membership

The OOA does not provide PhD candidate positions; they are offered by research groups affiliated with Amsterdam UMC CCA and NKI-AvL. Please refer to the footer for links to the vacancy websites.

If you are working on an oncological PhD project at NKI or Amsterdam UMC, you  can become a member of the OOA. The registration process for OOA differs for Amsterdam UMC and NKI PhD candidates. Please refer to the ‘start up & registration’ webpage for a description of the registration process.

Unfortunately, you cannot become a member of the OOA if you are not affiliated with these institutes. However, you can enroll in our courses. OOA PhD candidates have priority, but if there are sufficient available course spots, you are more than welcome to participate (for a small course fee).


All OOA courses are free of charge for OOA members. For information regarding course fees for external participants, please contact us.

OOA PhD candidates have priority, but if there are sufficient available course spots, you are more than welcome to participate (for a small course fee). 

OOA Training Plan

For Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates:
Click here for an overview of the mandatory items in the OOA Training plan. If you have additional questions, please visit the drop-in consultation hour every first and last Thursday of the month. Click here for the exact dates and timeslots. 

For NKI/AvL PhD candidates:
Click here for an overview of the mandatory items of the OOA Training plan. For questioins you can contact the OOA team by email OOA@nki.nl.

The number of ECTS credits is indicated on the course or conference certificate. For information regarding the calculation of ECTS credits for research activities; please view this page. The standard formula is: 28 hours of work =  1 ECTS. 

Yes, every PhD student needs to earn 30 ECTS.
Please contact ooa-tp@amsterdamumc (Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates) or ooa@NKI.nl (NKI PhD candidates) if you need help or advice for a tailored training plan. 

Click here for an overview of the OOA courses. 
Click here for an overview of professional knowledge skill courses.
Click here for an overview of general skill courses.

Furthermore, you can select other (external) courses which are beneficial for your PhD project. If you would like have advice: please contact ooa-tp@amsterdamumc.nl (for Amsterdam UMC PhD candidates) or ooa@nki.nl (for NKI PhD candidates).


All the portfolio’s will be assessed according the OOA training plan regulations, regardless of the PhD candidate’s start date. Click here to visit the portfolio information page.

If you have started your PhD before 1-1-2021 and defend your thesis at the VU University you probably arranged a training plan according the CCA regulations. These plans will also be assessed by the OOA regulations which have less mandatory activities.

If you have additional questions, please visit the drop-in consultation hour every first and last Thursday of the month. Click here for the exact dates and timeslots. 

The reviewing process differs per institute. For specific information about your institute: click here

  • For PhD students who defend their thesis at the VU and UvA:
    Please check this page on the CCA website.
  • For students working at the NKI: The NKI-AvL will contribute to the printing costs of the thesis, provided you have fulfilled all the requirements defined in the OOA Training and Supervision Plan. Applicable conditions and the application form are available on MyAntonet.

VU/VUmc PhD trajectory

Yes, after your registration or during your PhD changes in your supervisory team are possible. However, the Dean has to approve this change. Please send an motivated request to promoties-decanalezaken@vumc.nl 

The standard compositon of a supervisory team is 2 promotors and 2 co promotors. In exceptional cases it is possible to assign 3 co-promotors but 4 supervisors is the maximum. In even more exceptional cases 3 promotors and 1 co-promotor is also possible. This could be approved when a PhD project includes multiple organization, institutions or disciplines. For questions and requests: promoties-decanalezaken@vumc.nl.

Yes, associate professors  can act as a promotor by special grant of the dean.

Click here for the instructions on how to request the IUS promovendi.

Yes, this is called a joint or double degree.

Click here for instruction on how to apply for a joint of double degree. Scroll down to the tile ‘Joint degree’

Yes, various guidelines (also for supervisors!) for each phase in Hora Finita system are available on the VU website. Scrol down to the ‘Hora Finita’ tile. Click here for the VU website.

If you have any remaining questions, please contact doctoralschool@amsterdamumc.nl. 

UvA/AMC PhD trajectory

Yes, this is called a double of joint degree.

Click here for instruction how to apply for a joint of double degree.


Welcome to the new OOA website!

Our website had a big restyling. 

Enjoy reading!